Næstved Harbor, Handover of project  

Renovering af Vestre kaj og Vestre mellemkaj_Næstved Havn

Næstved Harbor, Handover of project   Yesterday, the project concerning the renovation of Vestre Kaj and Vestre Mellemkaj was handed over. The handover of the successful project was well-accompanied by the most beautiful December weather. 

Aarø Harbor, Condition assessment 

Aarø Havn_Tilstandsvurdering_A1 Consult

Aarø Harbor, Condition assessment  On behalf of Haderslev Municipality, we have performed a conditional assessment of Aarø Harbor. Observations and damages are summarized in a report, and a maintenance plan has been prepared with a budget for the next five years.   

Hirtshals Harbor 

Hirtshals Harbor  The preliminary geotechnical feasibility examinations concerning the expansion of Hirtshals Harbor have begun. Per Aarsleff is responsible for drilling and CPTs as well as extracting environmental samples.